WoW Patch 11.1: Balancing mit dem Holzhammer - massive Buffs und Nerfs inc.

Mit WoW Patch 11.1 erwartet uns ein umfangreiches Klassen-Balancing - inklusive massiver Buffs und einiger Nerfs.
Es ist das Streitthema Nummer 1 in jedem MMORPG, das halbwegs kompetitiv gespielt wird: das Klassen-Balancing. Auch in WoW ist es der Grund für unzählige Diskussionen und jede Menge Gejammer. Dabei vergessen die Spieler gerne, wie gut das Balancing in WoW eigentlich ist, vergleicht man es mit anderen Spielen oder den früheren Erweiterungen.
Aber wo zwei oder drei Prozent unter Schnitt als "unspielbar" gelten, da ist kaum noch zu helfen. Dennoch versuchen die Blizzard-Entwickler ihr Möglichstes, um das Balancing so gut wie möglich hinzubekommen. Daher sehen wir immer wieder kleinere Balancing-Anpassungen per Hotfix.
Größere Änderungen werden dann naturgemäß eher in den Patches vorgenommen. Und genau ein solcher steht uns mit WoW Patch 11.1 bevor. Die Devs haben sich daher die Performance der Klassen auf den Live-Servern und auf dem PTR (wo die neuen Rüstungen, Tier-Set-Boni und Schmuckstücke mit herein spielen) angeschaut und ihre Schlüsse daraus gezogen.
Was folgt, ist ein umfassendes Klassen-Balancing, das nun auf den PTR geworfen wird, um es dort final zu testen. Dabei verteilen die Entwickler teils massive Buffs, nerfen aber auch die eine oder andere Klasse. Achtung: Diese Änderungen müssen nicht genau so auf die Live-Server kommen. Sollten die Entwickler feststellen, dass sie irgendwo hart danebengehauen haben, wird das noch angepasst.
WoW Klassen-Balancing in Patch 11.1
Die folgenden Klassen-Anpassungen sollten auf dem PTR bereits aktiv sein und werden dort jetzt ausführlich getestet.
- Frost
- Obliterate damage increased by 20%.
- Frost Strike damage increased by 15%.
- Rime now increases the damage of Howling Blast by 275% (was 225%).
- Breath of Sindragosa damage increased by 10%.
- Liberation of Undermine 4-set bonus - Murderous Frenzy now increases Mastery by 12% for 6 seconds instead of Haste.
- Unholy
- Death Coil damage increased by 15%.
- Apocalypse ghoul damage increased by 25%.
- Magus of the Dead damage increased by 15%.
- Soul Reaper damage increased by 35%.
- Clawing Shadows and Scourge Strike damage increased by 15%. Does not affect Vampiric Strike.
- Frost
- Immolation Aura damage increased by 6%.
- Sigil of Flame damage increased by 6%.
- Hero Talents
- Fel-Scarred
- Demonsurge damage increased by 40%.
- Burning Blades now deals 50% of listed ability damage over 6 seconds (was 35%).
- Flamebound now increases Immolation Aura critical damage bonus by 30% (was 25%).
- Fel-Scarred
- Havoc
- Mastery: Demonic Presence effectiveness increased by 25%.
- Soulscar damage reduced to 80% of your Throw Glaive (was 100%).
- A Fire Inside now also causes your Immolation Aura to deal Chaos damage instead of Fire, in addition to its existing effects.
- Cycle of Hatred additional aura stacks generated now persist until the Demon Hunter has been out of combat for 60 seconds without casting Eye Beam.
- Fixed an issue when talented into both Furious Throws and Screaming Brutality that was unintentionally causing a triggered Throw Glaive to enforce its 25 Fury cost.
- Fixed an issue when talented into Screaming Brutality that was frequently causing an unintended additional Throw Glaive damage event.
- Fel-Scarred
- Enduring Torment now increases Blade Dance and Chaos Strike damage while not in Demon Form by 15% (was 10%).
- Flamebound radius bonus now also affects Ragefire.
- Vengeance
- Burning Blood bonus to Fire damage reduced to 8% (was 10%).
- Fiery Demise bonus to Fire damage dealt to targets affected by your Fiery Brand reduced to 15/30% (was 20/40%).
- Balance
- Power of Goldrinn damage increased by 100%.
- Starsurge damage increased by 5%.
- Touch the Cosmos chances increased to 18% from Wrath (was 15%) and 25% for Starfire (was 22%).
- Feral
- All ability damage increased by 8%.
- Balance
- Hero Talents
- Flameshaper
- Consume Flame damage is now increased by Scorching Embers.
- Draconic Instincts chance to trigger from smaller damage events has been significantly increased.
- Flameshaper
- Hero Talents
- Beast Mastery
- Bestial Wrath damage bonus increased to 30% (was 25%).
- Kill Command damage increased by 10%.
- Liberation of Undermine 4-set bonus has been updated - Potent Mutagen attacks now reduce the cooldown of Bestial Wrath by 0.5 seconds (was 1 second).
- Liberation of Undermine 4-set bonus has been updated - Potent Mutagen now lasts 8 seconds (was 10 seconds).
- Marksmanship
- Aimed Shot damage increased by 5%.
- Spotter's Mark damage bonus increased to 20% (was 10%).
- Windrunner Quiver Precise Shots damage reduction reduced to 90% (was 80%).
- Beast Mastery
- Hero Talents
- Frostfire
- Excess Fire may now stack up to 2 times.
- The cooldown reduction of Excess Frost has been reduced to 3 seconds (was 5 seconds).
- Frostfire
- Arcane
- Arcane Barrage damage increased by 10%.
- Fire
- Frostfire
- Excess Fire Phoenix Flames cooldown reduction reduced to 5 seconds (was 10 seconds).
- Frostfire Infusion damage reduced by 10%.
- Excess Frost Ice Nova effectiveness decreased to 150% (was 200%).
- Frostfire
- Frost
- Wintertide damage bonus reduced to 2% (was 4%).
- Frostfire
- Frostfire Infusion damage reduced by 10%.
- Excess Frost Ice Nova effectiveness decreased to 150% (was 200%).
- Hero Talents
- Brewmaster
- Invoke Niuzao now absorbs 40% of Staggered damage while active (was 25%).
- Invoke Niuzao's Stomp damage increased by 22%.
- Mistweaver
- Jade Empowerment now deals 2500% (was 3000%) additional damage to its primary target and cleaves at 15% effectiveness (was 10%).
- Liberation of Undermine set bonus - Insurance! healing increased by 15%.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Liberation of Undermine 4-set bonus to sometimes increase the healing of Insurance! by more than intended.
- Mending Proliferation now prefers players.
- Brewmaster
- Hero Talents
- Templar
- An issue causing Hammerfall to not proc Empyrean Hammer on overlapping procs has been resolved.
- Templar
- Holy
- Word of Glory healing increased by 15%.
- Hammer and Anvil healing decreased by 33%.
- Light of Dawn healing increased by 12%.
- Hero Talents
- Outlaw
- Roll the Bones' base chance to roll a 5-buff increased to 2% (was 1%).
- Sleight of Hand now grants 20% increased chance of granting additional matches (was 16%).
- Liberation of Undermine 4-set bonus - Now grants 40% increased chance of granting additional matches (was 16%).
- Outlaw
- Arms
- Mortal Strike damage increased by 20%.
- Overpower damage increased by 20%.
- Dreadnaught damage increased by 20%.
- Cleave damage increased by 10%.
- Execute damage increased by 10%.
- Slam damage increased by 30%.
- Colossus Smash and Warbreaker have new visuals.
- Warbreaker's area of effect is now centered around a point 1 yard in front of the Warrior, to better align with the new visuals.
- Fury
- Rampage damage increased by 20%.
- Raging Blow damage increased by 20%.
- Crushing Blow damage increased by 20%.
- Bloodthirst damage increased by 20%.
- Bloodbath instant damage increased by 20%.
- Odyn's Fury damage increased by 15%.
- Protection
- Barbaric Training no longer increases the Rage cost of Revenge.
- Execute damage increased by 10%.
- Frothing Berserker now has a chance to refund 50% of the Rage spent on Revenge (was 25%).
- Fixed an issue that was causing Bloodsurge to trigger less frequently than intended.
- Liberation of Undermine set bonus - Luck of the Draw! duration increased to 12 seconds (was 10 seconds).
- Liberation of Undermine set bonus - Shield Charge cooldown reduction increased to 12 seconds (was 6 seconds).
- Liberation of Undermine set bonus - Fixed an issue causing Luck of the Draw! to incorrectly modify Shield Slam's critical strike chance.
- Arms
- All Liberation of Undermine class sets are now 50% effective in PvP combat.
- Arathi Basin
- The initial spawning of nodes to capture Blacksmith, Gold Mines, and Lumber Mill now spawn 4 seconds later than previously.
- Battle for Gilneas
- The initial spawning of the node at Waterworks now spawns 4 seconds later than previously.
- Arathi Basin
- Hero Talents
- Flameshaper
- Consume Flame damage has been reduced by 40% in PvP combat.
- Flameshaper
- Hero Talents
- The Hunter Pet Stable specialization dropdown now displays the icon in front of the label rather than after.
Wie zu erwarten war, reagieren die WoW-Spieler massiv unterschiedlich auf die angekündigten Klassen-Anpassungen. Einige freuen sich, dass ihre Klasse endlich gebufft wird, andere verstehen die Nerfs ihrer Spielweise hingegen nicht. Und wieder andere sind traurig, weil ihre vermeintlich schlechte Klasse nicht gebufft wurde. Wie schaut's bei euch aus - seid ihr zufrieden mit den Anpassungen?
Quelle: Buffed