WoW Patch 9.1.5: PTR-Update für Klassen, Gluthof, Splitter der Herrschaft

WoW Patch 9.1.5: PTR-Update für Klassen, Gluthof, Splitter der Herrschaft (1)

Die Entwickler haben ein Update auf den PTR von WoW-Patch 9.1.5 gespielt. Es gab Buffs für einige Klassen, diverse Änderungen für den Gluthof der Ventyhr und weitere Komfortverbesserungen und Erleichterungen für die Bereiche Splitter der Herrschaft, Torghast und Ruhmstufen.

Mit dem kommenden WoW-Patch 9.1.5 wollen die Blizzard-Entwickler bekanntlich jede Menge Spielerwünsche in den Schattenlanden wahr werden lassen. Und auch das jüngste PTR-Update schlägt in diese Kerbe. Hier nur die Highlights:

  • Es gibt Klassen-Buffs für Blut-Todesritter, Braumeister, Gesetzlose und weitere Spielweisen.
  • Für den Gluthof der Venthyr gibt's die Möglichkeit, Freunden und Twinks den Ruf/Freundschaftsgewinn zu erleichtern.
  • Die Drop-Rate von Splittern der Herrschaft wird erhöht.
  • Ihr könnt über Torghast, Schlund-Angriffe und Missionen deutlich leichter Seelenglut farmen.
  • Wer wiederholt Flügel in Torghast komplett abschließt, bekommt mehr Seelenglut und Seelenasche.
  • Spieler, die mit einem Charakter Ruhmstufe 80 erreichen, erhalten die Möglichkeit, einen Twink für 500 Gold sofort auf Ruhmstufe 40 zu bringen.

Die vollständigen Patch Notes des jüngsten PTR-Updates lesen sich wie folgt:



  • Death Knight
    • Blood
      • Consumption (Talent) now deals 60% more damage.
  • Monk
    • Brewmaster
      • Special Delivery (Talent) now deals 100% more damage.
  • Paladin
    • Vanquisher's Hammer (Necrolord Ability) now increases the effectiveness of the free Holy Power spender by 25%.
  • Rogue
    • Outlaw
      • Dreadblades (Talent) initial strike deals 26% more damage and now immediately fills your Combo Points in addition to its current effects.
  • Warlock
    • Demonology
      • Nether Portal (Talent) cooldown reduced to 2.5 minutes (was 3 minutes).
  • Warrior
    • Impending Victory (Talent) cooldown reduced to 25 seconds (was 30 seconds) and now heals for 40% of your max health (was 30%).


  • Sanctums
    • Redeemed Souls
      • Rescuing Souls within Torghast, Tower of the Damned now earn credit for "Return Lost Souls."
    • Venthyr: Ember Court
      • Players can now use their influence with guests to help their friends or alternate characters.
        • Once you've completed the Best Friend quest for a Guest, that Guest will offer a quest inside your Ember Court scenario to all other players who visit.
        • These "Friend of a Friend" quests unlock a permanent 30% increase to friendship gains with that Guest, so invite a player or two to your next Ember Court and start the introductions to help them make friends faster.
        • Alternate characters on your account will also be offered these quests inside their own Ember Court scenario. Word travels quickly around the court!
      • Temel now sells a new favor item: The Party Herald's Party Hat.
        • This Bind-on-Account item can be sent to alternate characters, and permanently increases reputation gains with the Ember Court by 30% for any character that uses it.
        • This item also gives Temel a new, fancier party hat and gives you an option to ask Temel to put the hat on you inside the scenario.
      • You will now receive a confirmation prompt when you queue for the scenario if one of your current Guests has not RSVPed (and therefore would not attend if you start the scenario).

Items and Rewards

  • Increased the drop rate of Shards of Domination.
  • Significantly increased the amount of Soul Cinders awarded from Layers 8 - 12, Maw Assaults, Tormentors of Torghast, and Command Table missions.
  • Players who reach 80 Renown can purchase a Broker Mark of Distinction for 500 gold in Oribos that can be used on an alternate character to instantly grant the character up to Renown 40. Cannot be used above 40 Renown.
  • Players can now purchase versions of Korthian Armaments that create a piece of gear for specific slots.
  • Acquirer Ta'gosh in the Hall of Curiosities now sells a Gateway Control Shard that lets you activate the nearest Demonic Gateway.

Torghast, Tower of the Damned

  • Repeatedly completing Wings now awards the full amount of Soul Ash (up from 20% after the first clear).
  • Repeatedly completing Wings now awards the full amount of Soul Cinders (up from none after the first clear).

User Interface and Accessibility

  • Group Finder Improvements
    • Group creators are now able to browse listings.
  • The size of the cursor can now be increased in the Accessibility menu.

Quelle: Buffed