WoW: Diese speziellen Waffen und Trinkets erwarten euch in The War Within

WoW: Diese speziellen Waffen und Trinkets erwarten euch in The War Within

In den Spieldateien von WoW: The War Within finden sich bereits einige interessante Waffen und Schmuckstücke, die teilweise sogar kleine Set-Boni bilden.

Mit dem Start der Alpha von WoW The War Within bekommen wir durch Datamining immer mehr Einblicke in den Content der Erweiterung. Zum Beispiel den ersten Schlachtzug Palast der Neruber. Dort werden natürlich schicke Waffen im Neruber-Stil droppen. Die Dataminer von WoWHead wissen auch schon, was für Effekte diese Waffen und auch die Schmuckstücke aufweisen werden.

Zum Beispiel werdet ihr in den neuen Schlachtzügen ein Mini-Set sammeln, welches sich aus einer Waffe und einem Trinket zusammensetzt. Im Folgenden werfen wir einen Blick auf die besonderen Waffen und Schmuckstücke aus den Raids von The War Within.

Besondere Waffen-Effekte in The War Within

Fateweaved Needle

Equip: Your harmful and helpful spells have a chance to weave a Thread of Fate between your and you target for 5 sec. Tethered allies gain 282 Bonus <Primary Stat> while the Thread holds, enemies take 2372 Cosmic Damage when the Thread breaks.

Fate Weaver

Use: Perform a weaving ritual, spinning the webs of fate and fashioning them into a Fateweaved Needle.

Befouler's Syringe

Equip: Your melee attacks and abilities have a chance to befoul the blood of your enemy dealing 10325 damage over 10 sec. Additional injections overlap.

If a target dies while afflicted with your Befouled Blood, siphon the remaining poison back into the blade granting your next melee abilities 3717 additional nature damage.

Void Reaper's Warp Blade

Equip: Your attacks have a high chance to apply Queensbane to your target, dealing 62158 Shadow damage over 10 sec.

(2) Set : Void Reaper's Chime always summons additional phantoms against enemies afflicted by Queensbane.

Kye'vezza's Cruel Implements (0/2)

Void Reaper's Warp Blade
Void Reaper's Chime

Reactive Webbed Escutcheon
Equip: Taking magic damage has a chance for the webbing to react and adapt, spinning Warding Threads around you for 30 sec. While active, Warding Threads absorb all damage you would take from that source's spell school, up to 12760. (2 min Cooldown) (2m cooldown)

Stärke- und Beweglichkeit-Schmuckstücke

Gigantic Acid Gland

+1,914 Strength

Use: Spray your target with Volatile Acid, dealing 3516 Nature damage every 1 sec for 20 sec.

Your abilities intensify the acid's damage by an additional 3516 per sec for the remaining duration and splash up to 5 nearby enemies for 352 Nature damage per stack. (1s cooldown) (2 Min Cooldown)

Foul Behemoth's Chelicera

+1,914 [Agility or Strength]

Use: Inject an enemy with digestive venom, dealing 278391 damage over 20 sec. While active, your attacks and abilities against the target restore 9806 health. Cannot occur more than every 1 sec.

Overhealing from this effect permanently increases your maximum health by the same amount, decaying rapidly upon leaving combat. (1 Min, 30 Sec Cooldown)

Sik'ran's Shadow Arsenal

+1,914 [Agility or Strength]

Equip: Assume a martial stance based on the last weapon drawn.
Use: Surekian Flourish
Draw dual swords from the Arsenal to rend your target, dealing 309324 Shadow damage over 6 sec. Gain 352 Parry and 234 Avoidance until the next weapon is drawn. (1 Min Cooldown)

Swarmlord's Authority

+1,914 [Agility or Strength]

Equip: Summon a scarab every 20 sec that retrieves a fortifying chunk of flesh from your target. Scarabs deal 5892 Physical damage and reduce your damage taken by 50% until 33682 damage has been prevented.
Use: Send your swarm into a frenzy, summoning 12 scarabs over 3 sec to ravage your foes. (1 Min Cooldown)

Void Reaper's Chime

+1,914 Agility

Equip: Your abilities have a high chance to summon a phantom ethereal, dealing 79348 Shadow damage to your target and 7141.32 Shadow damage to all other enemies caught in its path.

If the target is below 35% health, this effect summons two additional phantoms at 25% effectiveness. (3s cooldown)

Kye'vezza's Cruel Implements (0/2)

Void Reaper's Warp Blade
Void Reaper's Chime

(2) Set : Void Reaper's Chime always summons additional phantoms against enemies afflicted by Queensbane.


Creeping Coagulum

+1,914 Intellect

Use: Feed the Coagulum, redirecting 25% of all healing done until 250551.6 healing has been consumed. Once sated, the Coagulum bursts to heal 5 allies for 218648.03.

Lingering effluvia causes affected allies' next attacks to deal an additional (444271s2 / 5) Shadow damage, increased based on overhealing done by the Coagulum. (1 Min, 30 Sec Cooldown)

Aberrant Spellforge

+1,914 Intellect

Equip: Accumulate dark power from the Spellforge every 15 sec to empower your next [specialization spell] to deal 40392 additional Shadow damage.
Use: Recklessly intensify the power of the Spellforge, increasing its damage by 25% until shortly after leaving combat, up to 5 times. At full power, gain 822 Haste for 6 sec when empowering your [specialization spell].

Beware glimpses of The Unseeming. (1 Min Cooldown)

Gruesome Syringe

+1,914 Intellect

Equip: Your healing spells have a high chance to cause you to inject yourself with a charge of Volatile Serum. Multiple charges may overlap.

If an ally drops below 70% health, expel a charge to heal them for 178265. After 15 sec, it catalyzes to grant you 2894 Intellect instead.

Schmuckstücke mit allen oder ohne Mainstats

Abyssal Effigy

+1,914 [Agility or Strength or Intellect]

Equip: Abyssal Hunger builds within you every 60 sec, growing in strength up to 3 times.
Use: Give in to your darkest impulses, unleashing Umbral Fury, Frothing Gluttony, or Abyssal Detonation based on your accumulated Hunger. (1 Min Cooldown)

Malfunctioning Cartel Communicator

+1,041 Haste

Equip: Your spells and abilities have a very high chance to power the Communicator and receive a snippet of cryptic instructions from somewhere in the beyond...

Collecting 10 snippets deciphers them to reveal your next task. It's probably nothing, so complete it to gain 8271 <Primary Stat> for 15 sec.

Spymaster's Web

+1,041 Mastery

Equip: Your damaging spells dispatch a spider to spy on your foes, increasing your Intellect by 56 per report received. Stacks up to 40 times. This effect may only occur every 6 sec. (6s cooldown)
Use: Use your accumulated knowledge to strike when the time is right, granting 541 Intellect per report for 20 sec and consuming their passive effect. (20 Sec Cooldown)

Ovinax's Mercurial Egg

Equip: Carefully balance the Egg's incubation. While stationary, gain 97 <Primary Stat> every 1 sec, up to 30 times. Diminishes while moving. While moving, gain 110 of your highest secondary stat every 1 sec, up to 30 times. Diminishes while stationary.

Additional stacks above 20 grant 60% reduced benefit.
Use: Suspend the Egg's incubation state for 20 sec. (2 Min Cooldown)

Schmuckstücke, die Stapel ansammeln, für die man stehen bleiben muss, mysteriöse Rituale durchführen oder einen Set-Bonus mit anderen Items freischalten - für die Trinkets in WoW The War Within haben sich die Entwickler bereits einiges überlegt. Wie findet ihr die Schmuckstück-Effekte bisher?

Quelle: Buffed