Patch 8.3: Der neue Build 32712 wurde auf den PTR aufgespielt

Patch 8.3: Der neue Build 32712 wurde auf den PTR aufgespielt

In der Nacht von gestern auf heute haben die Entwickler von World of Warcraft überraschenderweise den neuen Build 32713 auf den Testserver des leider erst im nächsten Jahr erscheinenden Patch 8.3: Rise of N’zoth aufgespielt und dadurch dann wieder einmal eine Reihe von Änderungen und Neuerungen zu dieser kommenden Spielversion hinzugefügt. Den Berichten der Data Miner zufolge beinhaltete dieser Build unter anderem zwei neue verschlüsselte Cinematics, neue Musik, Spielbalanceänderungen für einige Dungeons und viele Änderungen an dem neuen Verderbnis-System für Ausrüstungsteile. Genauere Informationen zu den Auswirkungen dieses Build findet ihr in der folgenden Übersicht.

Zwei neue verschlüsselte Cinematics:

Der neue Build 32712 beinhaltet laut den Data Minern zwei im Moment leider noch immer verschlüsselte neue Cinematics. Auch wenn im Moment noch niemand einen Blick auf diese neuen Cinematics werfen kann, so haben findige Data Miner aber zumindest schon einmal entdeckt, was für eine Laufzeit diese neuen Aufnahmen besitzen. Eines dieser Videos läuft 2 Minuten und 15 Sekunden und das zweite Video läuft leider nur 59 Sekunden.

Die Essenzen aus Mechagon:

Mit diesem Build haben die Entwickler die Kosten der beim Rostbolzenwiderstand erhältlichen Essenzen reduziert.

Änderungen an der Verderbnis auf Waffen:

Mit dem neuen Build 32712 haben die Entwickler die auf Waffen vorhandene Menge an Verderbnis überarbeitet und diese Gegenstände ebenfalls mit mehreren Tiers an Verderbnis ausgestattet. Der höchste Wert liegt dabei dann bei 75 Verderbnis.

  • Vorzz Yoq’al: Gain Void Ritual, giving your spells and abilities a chance to increase all secondary stats by 10 every sec for 20 sec. This chance is increased if at least 2 nearby allies also have Void Ritual. +35 Corruption
  • Faralos, Empire’s Dream: Your damaging abilities build stacks of Searing Flames. When you reach 30 stacks, exhale a Searing Breath, dealing damage equal to 5% of your health to all targets in front of you. +25 Corruption
  • Sk’shuul Vaz: Gain Obsidian Skin, increasing your Armor by 5%. While in combat, explode with Obsidian Destruction every 30 seconds, dealing Shadow damage equal to 300% of your Armor to all enemies within 20 yds. +25 Corruption
  • An’zig Vra: Your autoattacks have a 25% change to bite into the target’s soul, dealing 2% of your health in damage and healing you for that amount. +25 Corruption
  • Whispering Eldritch Bow: Your auto-shots reduce the remaining cooldown of a random Hunter ability by 1.0 sec. +25 Corruption
  • Mar’kowa, the Mindpiercer: Your mind’s true potential is unlocked, causing your spells to grant you flashes of insight. Gain between 1% and 8% Intellect at all times. +25 Corruption
  • Eyestalk of Il’gynoth: Your Spells and Abilities have a chance to show you the Ineffable Truth, increasing the rate your cooldowns recover by 50% for 10 sec. +50 Corruption
  • Devastation’s Hour: Your attacks have a chance to trigger a beam of Twilight Devastation, dealing damage equal to 5% of your health to all enemies in front of you. +75 Corruption
  • Qwor N’lyeth: Your damaging abilities build the Echoing Void. Each time it builds, Echoing Void has a chance to collapse, dealing 2% of your Health as Shadow damage to all nearby enemies every 1 sec until no stacks remain. +25 Corruption
  • Shard of the Black Empire: Your attacks have a chance to spawn a tentacle which Mind Flays your target for 0 Shadow damage every second for 10 sec. +35 Corruption
  • Shgla’yos, Astral Malignity: Your spells and abilities have a chance to strike a nearby enemy with an Infinite Star, dealing 855 Arcane damage and increasing their damage taken from your Infinite Stars by 25%, stacking up to 10 times. +50 Corruption
  • Unguent Caress: Your attacks have a chance to lash your target with a living tentacle, dealing (30% of Attack power) Shadow damage and snaring them by 30% for 6 sec. +25 Corruption

Epische Beute von den Trash Mobs in Ny’alotha:

Die Trash Mobs in Ny’alotha können vermutlich die folgenden epischen Ausrüstungsteile droppen.

Neue Musik:

Der PTR zu Patch 8.3 beinhaltet jetzt zwei neue Musickstücke. Dabei handelt es sich um den Soundtrack zu Patch 8.3 und die Musik für Bolvar als Lichkönig.

Spielbalanceänderungen für Freihafen und Mechagon:

Der neueste Build für Patch 8.3 beinhaltete einige Spielbalanceänderungen für die Gegner in Freihafen und Operation: Mechagon.


  • Azerite Powder Shot   Inflicts 3530 Fire damage to all enemies in a cone 30 yds. long in front of the caster.
  • Pistol Shot   The caster draws a concealed pistol and fires a quick shot at an enemy, dealing 1915 Fire damage.
  • Powder Shot   Eudora fires a heavy powder shot at a random enemy, inflicting 4035 Physical damage.

Operation Mechagon:

  • Bolt Buster   Naeno slams the ground in front of him, inflicts 8060 Physical damage to players.
  • Cave In   Inflicts 3522 Physical damage and stuns players within 5 yards of the impact.
  • Explosive Leap   The caster leaps towards random players, heating Junk Cubes and inflicting 2522 Fire damage to all enemies within 8 yards of the impact.
  • Fulminating Zap   Inflicts 10 Nature damage and an additional 1512 Nature damage every 3 sec for 9 sec.
  • Giga-Zap   Unleashes a bolt of energy towards a player, inflicting 4525 Nature damage and an additional 5 Nature damage every 2 sec for 12 sec to all players in a line from the caster. In addition, the target takes 100% increased damage from Giga-Zap for 12 sec.
  • Pulse Blast   Unleashes a charged burst at his current target, inflicting 3019 Nature damage.
  • Recalibrate   Adjusts the location of all Plasma Orbs. Upon arriving at their new location each orb unleashes a blast of energy, inflicting 3530 Nature damage to all players within 6 yards.
  • Taze   Inflicts 10 Nature damage instantly, and 108 Nature damage every 2 sec for 20 sec.
  • Toxic Fumes   Gunker emits Toxic Fumes throughout the encounter, inflicting 65 Plague damage to all players every 3 sec.
  • Wreck   A series of devastating melee attacks that deal increasing damage to their target.
    Each attack inflicts massive Physical damage and increases Physical damage taken by 75%100% for 3 sec. This effect stacks.
  • Wreck   Wrecks the target, inflicting high Physical damage and causescausing them to take 75% increased Physical damage100% increased damage from Wreck for 3 sec.

Trash Mobs in Operation Mechagon:

  • Arcing Zap   Inflicts 15 Nature damage and an additional 76 Nature damage every 2 sec for 20 sec.
  • Capacitor Discharge   Unleashes a pulse of electricity, inflicting 2028 Nature damage to all players caught in the effect. In addition, players caught in the effect are silenced and pacified for 5 sec.
  • Short Out   Inflicts 54 Nature damage to all players every 0.5 sec for 3 sec.
  • Slimewave   Inflicts 3525 Nature damage and knocks back enemies caught in the caster’s path.
  • Volatile Waste   After dying, the caster inflicts 1510 Nature damage to all enemies within 100 yards.

 Quelle: JustBlizzard